Baby food gets everywhere, and sometimes it makes it into your little one’s mouth, but usually it gets onto your baby’s or your clothes instead. Luckily, since baby food stains are protein based stains, these can be removed with washing detergents that have enzymes in them, such as Ariel PODS. It’s also important that you don’t use hot water to treat the stain, as this can cook the proteins and set them into the fibres of the fabric. So when your baby throws food all over your favourite top, just follow these Ariel stain solutions for effective baby food stain removal tips.

Remove baby food stains
Put the POD in the drum
Getting rid of baby food stains from your clothes has never been easier. All you need to do is simply place one Ariel All-in-1 POD at the bottom of the drum before adding your clothes to the washing machine. Use one POD for medium soiled clothes or loads of 4-5 Kg, and two PODS for heavily soiled clothes, loads over 5KG, or hard water areas. Always make sure to check dosage instructions on your pack.
Close the box and keep out of reach of children
It is important to always close the Ariel PODS packs with a “Click-Clack” and keep washing capsules out of reach and away from children.
Don’t overload your washing machine
Place the clothes in the washing machine and on top of the washing capsule. In case your clothes are heavily soiled, make sure you don’t overload your machine by leaving at least two palms-worth of space.
Select the appropriate wash cycle, based on the garments’ fabric care labels. Ariel PODS have been designed to deliver an outstanding clean, even on cold and quick cycles. However, if your clothes are heavily stained, a higher temperature and a longer cycle can also help.
Take the clean clothes out of the drum immediately after the wash has finished for the best results.
If the baby food stain persists after washing, repeat the previous stain removal steps before using a tumble dryer, as drying will set the stain.
Effective stain removal on many stains
Babies usually mean stains, but you can remove most of them with Ariel whether you’re dealing with baby food stains or poo stains. For whiter whites and tough stain removal, wash with Ariel. Babies will make a mess, that’s just one of the things that they do best. But for the clean-up, Ariel gives you outstanding stain removal results from the first wash.
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